Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Healthcare for all! Blog 7

Hello again 
I am extending my post about Senator Elizabeth Warren  proposition about the “Health care for all” initiative she has in her campaign.
As lovely as it may sound I totally disagree with some of her points she is planing to do ignorer to make this happen.
For example, these are the kind of things she is saying to make this plan of hers happened;“To pay for it, she has proposed large new taxes, transfer payments and some cuts to government spending.'' How is this going to be a good and better balance for everyone?
First of all if she raise taxes then it would still be the same because if we are cutting money in the health field but then you will have bigger expenses on your taxes. it does not make a lot of sense?
The second thing she mentions is about cutting funds for the health field. If she does this then the health field would be so much worse than it is now. All the things that every health program include will be in a much worse position to provide for us, therefore all our benefits will be so bad even worse than before.
The third thing she mentions is that she would cut federal funding. How exactly would that help the people? Just now we are having so much representatives using federal money for they own benefit of been reelected. If she does this then it would affect all other programs that are been provided for people that really needs them like special people. Funding to help live because they are not able to work. 
In conclusion, yes it would be amazing to have a healthcare that covers all in the same way but, under those circumstances does not sounds like it would benefit us at all since she would be affecting us in other areas like the taxes and federal funding.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Stage Six Post.

Hey Laura, 
As a mother I agree with on your first request, when you are talking about the extension of maternity leave for mothers from twelve weeks to sixteen weeks. I have heard of mothers that struggle on making the decision to use some of that time before the birth or just wait until the last minute after they have their baby. In the first place if all of this maternity privilege is about the mother and the baby, the mother the last month of the pregnancy is feeling miserable. She should not have to decide to just wait until the baby arrives to gets some rest. I strongly think that at least the last two weeks if possible the mother to be should be resting and getting ready for labor.

I'm not to sure about your second request. As much as I would love to get paid for that time, I think that would be something a little harder to get. I do agree with your point especially with single mothers or families with low income that for starters that is why low income families begin with the pregnancy because of not so cheap anticonceptives. I would love to see a change about this. Life is already too hard sometimes and there is only so much we can do to help others.

On your third request I also agree with you, but honestly this is not about the government, it is mostly about the cheap companies that want to cover that for their employees. My husband works for AT&T as a Prompt Tech and when I gave birth to my last baby on July 28, 2018,  my husband was allowed to stay home with us with paid parental leave for a whole month. So, I think The FMLA totally approves it but the stingy companies are the ones not wanting to pay for that.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Blog five. Personal Opinion on a Goverment article by Claudia Chavez

Even if she really try to implement it, will the people end up paying more taxes just to make this work?

Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts, is running for the presidency in the 2020 elections. She believes that she can implement a healthcare system with one cost for everyone.
It does sound like a great idea in general, because a lot of low/mid income families will benefit from it. 
As much I personally want this to be implemented, how much is this going to cost? She says one price for all, but we go back to another issue. We don't all have the same amount of money. Would she do it with equality or we want this to be done with equity for everyone?

If this system gets implemented it would only be fair for everyone to have the same type of healthcare which is what she is talking about. What about about pricing? Would it be the same for all? 
I think it should be depending on how much each family pay.
Another issue that we can questions is, will general taxes be raised?
It makes me think for a second that this has really great intention but, if she really wants this to happen she will need to put a lot of work into it. It’s a great idea but I think she still needs to work on her plan to go through with it.